Certificate life cycle management as one of the key requirements and central function of the PKI target architecture.
Data has become the lifeblood of the insurance industry. While large volumes of data from different sources such as policy records or claims are generated, processed, and analyzed, cyber risk contributes to vulnerability as more and more data is accumulated.
The analysis of the existing PKI infrastructures of a Swiss insurance company concluded that the existing environments do not meet current and future needs and therefore imply significant risks.
One of the major risks are expiring certificates, which can lead to a shutdown of services and may also require a lot of time for root cause analysis. The certificate life cycle management is one of the key requirements for the new solution and therefore becomes a central function in the PKI target architecture.
It should act as a proxy to forward certificate requests to internal and external (e.g. for qualified electronic certificates, document signing, e-mail encryption) CA components.
Another important requirement is the automatic creation of tickets for expiring certificates and the automatic renewal of expiring certificates.
Finally the availability of interfaces to use certificate management functions for various third party systems, like Active Directory, Linux systems, applications and services.
Against the background of these growing requirements, our security solutions and expert services offer real added value: while the SwissPKITM Solution covers all requirements out-of-the-box and provides user-friendly templates, workflows for automatic certificate renewal, integration with ticketing systems of various suppliers. SwissPKITM OpenAPI provides full certificate life cycle management to third-party applications.